**Note- please do not feel obligated. Your well wishes and slime orders are so appreciated.
**Update- early November 2024. Our dear Coconut has crossed the rainbow bridge. We are heartbroken. She passed a little over a week ago- her other eye started to go out a few weeks after her surgery. We suspect the mass was cancerous- which is relatively rare, but not unheard of. I pray that she is in a better place- we did everything we could for little Coco.
She is survived by her sister Buttercup. We do want to eventually find her a companion in the weeks ahead, but we will know when the time and bunny is right. It needs to be a fit- rabbits don’t always bond. Please think of her as well.
For now, I’m keeping this up for sentimental reasons. Even seeing the $1 added to orders, or simply well wishes in the notes, means a lot.
We miss her every day.
**Update- early September 2024. Coconut did need to have her eye removed. The surgery and assorted visits have been over $2000 so far. They found a grey mass behind her eye but she seems okay other than that. We don't know what that is so we are just giving her the best life we can. The outcome was unexpected and rare, according to the vet. Usually it's an abscess or parasite. She's. a strong and stubborn bun.
This was requested by a few people who do not purchase slime. I think it’s set up to be $1, but you can add more quantity if you’d like to donate more. This is for ongoing vet bills, which can add up fast. Especially if she needs eye removal surgery.**
Where to begin?
Our beloved Coconut was adopted along with her sister Buttercup, in January 2024. They are lionhead rabbits, believed to be about 2 years old. Deeply bonded and completely adorable and playful.
Coconut developed an eye bulge recently, on one side. We don’t yet know what it is. She’s on a round of antibiotics, but this is a serious issue. Believe me, we are praying it’s something that can be fixed this way, but I’m a bit skeptical.
She is still acting like her usual self, eating tons of hay and treats and doing her usual sploots, zoomies, and binkies. The vet said her teeth seem to be in good health, which is a good sign. Sometimes dental issues can cause issues and abscesses near the eye.
Rabbits are very fragile creatures. Even the sight of a predator can send them into cardiac arrest. They’re still learning so much about them, and can only be treated by exotics vets. Most only see cats and dogs.